Programming TashTalk PIC

When you have received the 3 boards, it is time to make your hands dirty! To fully understand what you are doing, here is a board-overview:

1) The TashTalk microcontroller will be placed in this socket. It handles all the aspects of LocalTalk.
2) The heart of the AirTalk; the main microcontroller with integrated Wi-FI.
3) The programmer-connector


This manual will not include compiling the firmware for the the PIC. To avoid complicated steps pre-compiled binaries are downloadable during the walkthrough. Pre-programmed TashTalk PIC’s can be found overhere.

You will need the following:


There are a few jumpers on the seatboard. You need to set them accordingly.

• Set J1 to “B”
• Set J2 to “2-3”
• Set J3 to “2-3”

Connect the seatboard directly to the PICKIT device and seat the PIC-chip on the right location on the seat board” (see backside of the seat board).
This should look like this:


Connect the PICKIT to the USB port of your computer and open the “MPLAB X IPE”. When connecting your PICKIT for the first time it may start to update your PICKIT in a few automated steps. This is normal behaviour.

Make sure you enable ‘Power Target circuit from Tool(Settings -> Advanced Mode -> Power). This will set 5V to the seat board. Make sure your PIC can actually handle 5V, otherwise you may burn your IC to death. Check the datasheet of the PIC for the allowed voltage range. Without the ‘Power Target circuit from Tool’-setting programming will fail.

Go back to ‘Operate‘, and select:

  • • Family: All Famillies
  • • Device: PIC12F1840
  • • Tool: PICKIT3

Download the Tashtalk firmware, UNZIP it, and select the .HEX file by clicking on ‘Browse’ within the “Hex File”-section.

Click on the “Programm“-button to start programming the PIC.

You will hear a beep when the programming is finished. Now you have a freshly baken TaskTalk PIC!


Insert the PIC into the socket on the AirTalk board. Make sure your have the polarisation the right way!